Are you wondering what’s the best way to take CBD oil? Do you want to know how to maximize its benefits?
From professional football players to ring fighters, it seems everyone is relying on cannabinoids to help relieve their pain and other inflammatory symptoms. Cannabinoids are fairly new trends in the health and wellness niche – despite the fact that they have been in use for centuries.
While CBD oils are easy to use, there are particular CBD methods and dosages that are appropriate for various health conditions to boost their effectiveness. If you want to learn, keep reading.
Contents [hide]
- 1 How is CBD Oil Used
- 2 How to Take CBD Drops
- 3 How to Use CBD Oil in Disease Management
- 4 How to Use CBD Oil for Pain
- 5 How to Use CBD Oil for Anxiety
- 6 How to Use CBD Oil for Fibroids
- 7 How to Use CBD Oil for Pain Gum Disease
- 8 How to Use CBD Oil for Lymphoma
- 9 Recommended Dosage of CBD Oil
- 10 CBD Oil Dosage Calculator
- 11 Conclusion
How is CBD Oil Used
Research on CBD is still in its infancy. However, the current data suggest that CBD can help you with various health conditions due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
CBD oils are used for treatment or to alleviate the following conditions.
1. CBD for Inflammation

Studies have shown that CBD is a potent anti-inflammatory agent and will help to alleviate symptoms of inflammation such as pain, swelling, and redness.
For this reason, patients with inflammatory conditions such as contact injuries, allergic disorders of the skin, and chronic inflammatory disorders like inflammatory bowel disease can really benefit from CBD.
The commonest inflammatory symptom managed by CBD is pain. Studies using animal subjects have concluded that CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system in the body to regulate pain perception.
2. CBD for Anxiety

Besides its anti-inflammatory effects, there is evidence from human studies which strongly support that CBD can be used to treat anxiety disorders.
Experimental studies show that CBD can alleviate anxiety that has been experimentally induced in healthy controls.
In the usual hospital setting, anxiety often occurs simultaneously with depression and are treated using pharmacologic drugs that have several side effects.
The side effects range from sexual dysfunction to drowsiness, agitation and lack of sleep. Other medications for anxiety like the benzodiazepines are also addictive.
On its part CBD has shown great potential in treating anxiety and depression without side effects and/or addiction rendering it as the best alternative remedy.
3. CBD for Neuroprotection

CBD also has some neuroprotective effects and studies have shown that it is effective in the treatment of diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers have also found out that the ECS can be stimulated by CBD products to treat disorders such as multiple sclerosis and epilepsy.
A study involving 276 participants found out that Sativex, a CBD derivative, is helpful in reducing muscle spasticity in patients with multiple sclerosis – especially those patients whose condition was resistant to treatment.
Another study also used CBD to treat patients with epilepsy whose conditions were resistant to anticonvulsants. In this study, 2 –5 g of CBD per kg body weight was used and the results were impressive. The patients responded well to treatment.
4. CBD for Cancer

Anecdotal evidence as well as conclusions from research have also shown that CBD can be used in the management of cancer – both as a pain remedy and also to slow down the progression of the disease.
The progression and spread of cancer is enhanced by certain molecular chemicals called cytokines. These cytokines are produced by the cancer cells themselves.
Another important mechanism of cancer inhibition by CBD is that it stops the release of cytokines and thus impairs the ability of the cancer to spread.
5. CBD for Acne

Acne is one of the commonest skin conditions. It is estimated that at any given time, about 9 percent of the population is affected with acne.
Several factors can be attributed to the etiology of acne. However, literature agrees that there could be genetic predisposition, excessive production of the skin oil, infectious causes and inflammatory processes for acne.
Studies supporting the use of CBD to treat acne found out that CBD is able to stop the excessive production of sebum (skin oil.) These findings were later confirmed by another study which concluded that anti-acne effects of CBD are also due to its anti-inflammatory effects.
While there are several benefits of CBD, it suffices to note that there are different formulations of CBD products. And these formulations differ in potency, efficacy, and bioavailability. Thus, there are some formulations that are easily absorbed and work quicker than others.
For an average user, it usually takes some time to master the nitty-gritty of how to use CBD. Nevertheless, this article will simplify the process for you and help you decide on the best formulation and when to use it.
How to Take CBD Drops
CBD, just like most drugs, has several routes of administration to get it into the body for its therapeutic effects. For instance, it can either be inhaled, applied topically, ingested orally, or administered sublingually.
Here is a brief explanation for each of these routes of administration.
1. Inhalation – Vaping and Smoking

Inhalation of CBD products has sent several users into a frenzy that has significantly increased the number of criticisms against CBD and other cannabidiol products. This is the category where smoking and vaping falls.
With inhalation, you can choose to smoke cannabis flower containing CBD, or use a vaporizer. Vaporizers have cartridge-like compartments which holds the CBD oil. You can also use a CBD vape pen with a chamber containing CBD products such as sugar waxes to inhale the CBD concentrates.
When you smoke or inhale these products, they flow directly through your nose or mouth and finds the moist lining of the respiratory tract where they are absorbed directly into the bloodstream.
This method is way faster because the onset of action for inhaled CBD products is less than 10 minutes. This route also absorbs between 35 to 55 percent of the CBD content.
However, the explosive use of vaping products coincided with an outbreak in lung diseases sometime in early 2019. This prompted an investigation in September 2019 on how vaping is correlated to lung diseases.
While not much is known, yet, you should be wary about the products you inhale and use only those products whose vendors you trust.
In 2017, a study on the pulmonary toxicities of e-cigarettes revealed that the side effects of these products are enhanced by substances such as propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin. Therefore, it is advised that you should avoid vape cartridges with carriers such as propylene glycol if you prefer vaping.
2. Topical Application

Topical applications are those CBD products that are designed for application on the skin. They come in different forms such as creams, balms, lotions, salves, and patches.
Since this formulation can have a localized effect, it is usually indicated for the management of skin conditions. CBD topicals are best for allergic reactions such as eczema, localize bruises, and minor injuries.
Topical treatment can also deliver the active ingredients directly to where it is needed – such as when treating the inflammatory symptoms of arthritis such as joint swelling.
Actually, a study was done using animal subjects and it was found that topical CBD is very effective in preventing swelling of the skin – especially when the selling occurs secondary to an inflammatory process.
Besides the localized effect of topical CBD products, they also have a high bioavailability. Bioavailability refers to the concentration of the active ingredient that is available for systemic action.
Usually, medication taken through other routes go through the liver where most of them are broken down or excreted, thus reducing their bioavailability. This is called the first-pass effect. However, topical applications bypass this first-pass effect and are not degraded by the liver hence a high bioavailability.
The major downside is that topical products are not easily absorbed. Which means that if you want to use CBD topically, you may have to go for products that are highly concentrated in CBD for you to achieve significant therapeutic benefit.
3. Sublingual Administration of CBD

Most people confuse sublingual administration with oral administration. The term, sublingual, basically means “below the tongue.”
Under your tongue, there is a thick moist membrane that can act as a portal of entry into the bloodstream.
Medications that are administered through this route have a very rapid onset of action and also have a high bioavailability because they get into the blood whilst bypassing the strong digestive enzymes of the gut and degradation by the liver.
CBD formulations that are taken through the sublingual route usually come in the form of tinctures. Other formulations that can be taken sublingually are oils, lozenges, and certain oils. Usually, your vendor will advise you appropriately on how to administer the product.
The sublingual route is the best method if you want urgent results in managing severe pain.
4. Ingestion

Ingestion or oral administration is another great method. The major downside of this route is that you may not like its taste because CBD products have an earthy and bitter flavor.
Other disadvantages are that the products taken orally are subjected to degradation by stomach enzymes as well as liver enzymes.
This reduces the bioavailability and effectiveness of CBD quite significantly compared to inhaled or sublingual formulations. However, they have a more rapid onset of action than topical products.
With the first pass effect on CBD ingested products, you only absorb about 20 to 30 percent of the CBD. The onset of action is also delayed by close to 2 hours.
CBD products that can be taken orally come in the form of edibles such as mints, gummies, or truffles. If you want to take this route of administration, good news, most of these edibles are flavored to mask the unpleasant aftertaste of pure CBD.
How to Use CBD Oil in Disease Management
Based on the discussions above, the method for administering CBD will depend on the type of condition you are managing and how rapidly you want the effects to start manifesting. All the ways to use CBD oil for various conditions are relatively safe and convenient.
Here are some of the conditions you can treat with CBD products and how to take CBD hemp oil specifically for these conditions.
How to Use CBD Oil for Pain

Pain is the commonest symptom you can manage with CBD hemp oil products. CBD does a great job of alleviating inflammatory pain. Physiologically, pain can be classified as acute, and chronic – sometimes neuropathic pain (pain of the nerves) is categorized as a separate entity.
Acute pain could be due to injuries, bruises or accidents. This type of pain requires rapid management and a fast onset of action. For this reason, formulations that are rapidly absorbed and those that have a high bioavailability can be preferred for management.
For instance, it is much easier to treat acute pain using inhaled or sublingual products because they have high bioavailability and are absorbed quickly. The high bioavailability also ensures that the dosage is just sufficient to manage your pain.
Chronic pain, on the other hand, may not require inhaled products or sublingual formulations. For this type of pain, oral agents like CBD pills and CBD edibles work very well. Additionally, topical formulations such as CBD patches can be used to provide a slow steady and long-lasting release of the active ingredient into the bloodstream.
CBD is not a good candidate for managing neuropathic pain. For this type of pain, THC oil can be used. Quite often, terminal illnesses such as cancer may start presenting with chronic pain and progress to involve the nerves leading to neuropathic pain. In such circumstances, both CBD and THC can be used for treatment.
How to Use CBD Oil for Anxiety

Anxiety is a common disorder and most people (if not all) have had anxiety at some point in their life. People are nowadays opting for CBD for treating anxiety instead of the usual pharmacotherapeutic drugs like benzodiazepines.
The reason is partly that prescription medications can be misused and usually present with serious side effects when overdosed.
The efficacy of CBD in treating anxiety is mainly supported by anecdotal evidence. Moreover, studies have also shown that CBD can reduce anxiety and help alleviate stress.
For most people, symptoms of anxiety usually occur acutely, so, vaping (inhalation) is the best CBD administration for anxiety. It is the quickest, has a rapid onset of action and provides sufficient bioavailability.
Sublingual oils and tinctures are also appropriate, especially if you don’t prefer inhalation. Other users have also reported that edibles like gummies and mints can help reduce anxiety. Sublingual and edible products are the go-to especially if you don’t like people giving you some funny looks in public.
How to Use CBD Oil for Fibroids

Enthusiasm for the use of CBD for treating and/or preventing the progression of fibroids started when it was discovered that tissues that respond to sex steroid hormones also have cannabinoid receptors that work through the endocannabinoid system.
Studies have shown that the cannabinoid system can be stimulated to not only slow down the growth of fibroids but diminish the progression and growth of tumors too.
Fibroid growth and treatment is a chronic process. This means that you may not necessarily require rapidly acting CBD formulations. In conditions such as these, either of the formulations can be used – you just have to decide on the one that suits you.
Since fibroids can complicate into serious gynecologic conditions, it is wise to seek advice from your gynecologist when you are considering non-conventional treatments for medical conditions such as using CBD for fibroids.
How to Use CBD Oil for Pain Gum Disease

Oral hygiene is very important, not only because you look good in white teeth, but also because your mouth is a major portal of entry into your body. When your oral hygiene is impaired, you may start presenting with diseases such as gum disease.
It has been shown that CBD potentially relieves dental problems. This cannabis-derived compound has three main benefits that are useful for oral health: It is a potent antibacterial agent that can help destroy bacteria and/or suppress their growth.
It also has analgesic properties (pain-relieving effects) which makes it useful in treating the pain associated with gum disease. Thirdly, CBD is also an antiseptic that destroys not only bacteria but also other microbes such as viruses and fungi.
These health benefits make CBD a favorite among dentists and are the reason why it is one of the recommendations for treating painful gum disease. The best formulations for treating gum disease pain are rapid-acting inhalation products, sublingual forms, and edibles. Tinctures are specifically better for this condition.
How to Use CBD Oil for Lymphoma

Initial studies purporting that CBD is helpful for cancer treatment are very promising, though they are not conclusive. For cancers such as lymphomas, the use of CBD is only for supportive therapy.
For instance, lymphomas are among those conditions that can present with chronic pain. This type of pain can be easily managed using CBD as had been discussed previously.
Chemotherapeutic agents used to treat lymphomas may also cause adverse symptoms such as nausea that can be adequately managed using CBD.
When using CBD for lymphoma, you should consult extensively with your doctor because most of the side effects only occur when you use CBD simultaneously with prescription drugs.
Lymphomas are chronic conditions. Therefore, they are best managed by oral formulations. Sometimes, subdermal skin patches can be used for slow-release CBD administration topically – especially when the pain starts becoming severe for the patient.
Recommended Dosage of CBD Oil

CBD has many health benefits. For adequate dosing for these conditions, there are certain factors that should be considered when deciding the right dose for CBD.
Dosing is a factor of your body weight, the condition you are treating, and the concentration of CBD in the formulation you want to use. Experts also recommend that you factor in your individual body chemistry.
These variables are very important and are usually considered mostly in a hospital setting when your doctor is prescribing medications such as Epidiolex, a CBD drug used to treat seizures. However, most people tolerate CBD dosages differently. There are those who respond to small doses while there are those who need large doses for managing one disease.
It is highly recommended that you start with small doses of CBD between 20 mg and 40 mg per day and see how your body responds. Most human studies agree that a dose range from 20mg to 1500mg per day is the best. You can then increase the dosage steadily by about 5mg per day until you achieve your desired outcome.
There are also specific dosages recommended by studies. For instance, one study found out that CBD dosage for anxiety is between 300mg to 600mg per day.
Another study that evaluated the use of CBD in fibromyalgia used CBD dosage for fibromyalgia ranging between 670mg and 1000mg per day. The results were quite impressive.
CBD Oil Dosage Calculator

With technology, it is now very easy to calculate the dose of CBD appropriate for you using a CBD oil dosage calculator that is available online. CBD dosage calculator is an application program that helps you determine the amount of CBD you should safely consume.
Most of the calculators rely on your weight the concentration of CBD in the product you bought and the condition you are managing.
For instance, CBD oil dosage calculators such as this one will prompt you to enter the size of your CBD bottle and the concentration of CBD in the product. Then you will select your weight, the condition being managed and the severity of your symptoms.
The dosage will then be generated automatically. These online platforms are easy to use and require basic ability to follow instructions. Check out CBD dosage calculator.
CBD dosage can be taken through various routes. Each of these routes have their own strengths and weaknesses. The choice you make is determined mainly by the condition you are treating and the severity of your symptoms.
If you are having a hard time deciding on the recommended dosage specific for you, use CBD oil dosage calculator. If you wish to learn more about CBD products, feel free to visit our homepage.
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